
Showing posts from July, 2020

What is Docker ? | Basic Commands | Docker Simplified

     Docker as you all might have heard off is a tool which is used for deployment of applications in a container which ensures that the application will run in an environment which is isolated. Coming to Containers it can be though of as a black box inside which all the things which are needed for the application to run are present. Docker tool leverage the use of containers to achieve its tasks. Advantages/Disadvantages  : Compared to Virtual Machines the Docker is very light weight and portable as it does not include the Guest OS. Boot up time of the docker containers is very less compared to VM. The size of the Docker containers is very less compared to VM. On the Scalability point of view Docker is much more scalable. There are some downsides to containers as well we cannot expect it to run as efficiently as with bare metals because it depends on the host machine for the resources. Also from the security point of view it is less secure compared to VM because it shares the host OS.