How to Create a Simple Node JS Webserver serving HTML pages using EJS
Creating a Web server with Node JS is fairly simple with Node JS which serves HTML view pages. For this purpose I am going to use Visual Studio to create Node JS Web Application type project. If you are not able to find the template project for Node JS then most likely the packages for Node JS development are not installed from Visual Studio Installer. Installing Node JS Development Tools From the Visual Studio Installer select the Node js development tools and install them to create a Node js project as shown in the figure below. Once its installed we can go ahead and create a empty Node JS web application. Required npm packages for this application would be http express ejs-locals Server Application is the express App and since its a web application we need to use the http package to host the Application. ejs-locals is a package stands for Embedded javascript Template pack using which we will be able to create html views using javascript. Install the required p...