Mastering Concurrency with Latches and Barriers in C++20: A Practical Guide for Students


Picture yourself as a student tasked with organizing a surprise party for a friend. You have a team of friends helping you, each with a specific role: one decorating, another cooking, and yet another taking care of entertainment. As you plan and coordinate, you quickly realize the importance of timing and synchronization. Just as in party planning, in the world of programming and computing, we often have multiple tasks running concurrently, similar to your friends handling different aspects of the party all at once.

However, ensuring that these concurrent tasks harmonize can be a significant challenge. If decorations go up before the food is ready or the entertainment starts before guests arrive, it could lead to chaos. This is where the world of programming comes in, and in this blog, we'll explore powerful tools called "latches" and "barriers" to manage these concurrent scenarios efficiently.

Learning about latches and barriers isn't just about abstract concepts; it's about practical tools that can help you write more efficient and error-free programs. It's a skill sought after by tech companies, and it can be applied to real-world scenarios like creating video games, optimizing websites, or even managing traffic signals.

Throughout this blog, we invite you to think back to the surprise party analogy. Just as you need to ensure all elements of the party come together at the right time, in programming, you'll learn how to make sure threads execute in harmony.

By the end of this blog, you'll have a solid understanding of latches and barriers in C++20 and how to apply them in your coding projects. We'll cover detailed explanations, provide code examples, explore practical use cases, and illustrate real-world applications. So, let's dive into the world of latches and barriers in C++20, and discover how they can make your programs run smoothly.

Understanding Concurrency in Modern C++

Just as in our party planning scenario, efficient coordination is vital when it comes to concurrent programming in the world of C++. Concurrency refers to the art of making multiple threads or tasks work together seamlessly, much like your friends ensuring that the surprise party's elements come together harmoniously. This concept is a cornerstone of modern software development and can be found in various applications, from video games and web servers to scientific simulations and financial modeling. Let's explore how latches and barriers in C++20 help make this possible.

The Challenge of Coordination

In your surprise party, you quickly realize that coordinating tasks is essential for success. If decorations go up before the food is ready, or the entertainment starts before guests arrive, the party might not go as planned. Similarly, in the world of programming, we encounter similar challenges when different threads need to work together. These threads might be executing tasks related to user interfaces, data processing, or network communication, and they must be synchronized to achieve the desired outcome.

Why Latches and Barriers Matter?

Representation of a Latch in real world, C++20 latch

Latches and barriers are like the party planning tools that ensure all elements of the party come together at the right time. In the world of C++, these synchronization mechanisms play a crucial role in ensuring that multiple threads execute their tasks in a coordinated and orderly manner. They prevent threads from progressing until certain conditions are met, much like ensuring the food is ready before the decorations go up at your party.

With latches and barriers in C++20, we can tackle concurrency challenges efficiently and prevent issues like data races and thread collisions, ensuring that our software runs smoothly and predictably. As students entering the world of modern C++ programming, mastering these tools will equip you with valuable skills for your programming journey, from developing interactive software to optimizing web applications.

Latches in C++20

Latches are fundamental tools in concurrent programming, playing a critical role in synchronizing threads and ensuring that they move forward only when specific conditions are met. To grasp their importance, let's immerse ourselves in a practical scenario.

Understanding Latches

Imagine you're managing a fleet of delivery drivers, each assigned to a different route. Your responsibility is to make sure that all drivers return to the warehouse before you dispatch a second set of deliveries. In this analogy, the drivers are like individual threads or tasks in a multi-threaded program, and the warehouse represents a specific point in your code where you want all threads to rendezvous.

Latches in Action

 Here's where latches come into play. A latch, in this context, acts as a gatekeeper. It prevents any driver (thread) from proceeding beyond a certain point in your code until the latch is "released" by a predefined number of drivers reaching that point.

Code Example For Latches

 Let's illustrate this concept with a C++20 code example:

#include <iostream>

#include <thread>

#include <latch>

const int numDrivers = 5; // Number of delivery drivers

std::latch warehouseLatch(numDrivers);

void driverTask(int driverID) {

    // Simulate the driver's route


    std::cout << "Driver " << driverID << " has returned to the warehouse.\n";

    // Release the latch when the driver returns



int main() {

    // Start the driver threads

    for (int i = 1; i <= numDrivers; ++i) {

        std::thread(driverTask, i).detach();


    // Wait for all drivers to return to the warehouse


    std::cout << "All drivers have returned. Dispatch the second set of deliveries.\n";

    return 0;


In this example, we have a set of delivery drivers (threads) simulating their routes. The warehouseLatch is set to the number of drivers, and it acts as a barrier. The main function waits until all drivers have returned to the warehouse, at which point it dispatches the second set of deliveries.

By using latches, you ensure that all drivers return before proceeding further in your program, much like making sure all your drivers are back before dispatching the next set of deliveries in the real world.

This code example showcases how latches can be used in a concurrent programming scenario, providing a practical and visual understanding of their significance. In the subsequent sections, we'll delve deeper into barriers, key differences between C and C++, object-oriented programming in C++, working with vectors, and templates and data types in C++.

Barriers in C++20

Barriers are another powerful synchronization mechanism that differs in function from latches. To understand their significance, let's draw a real-world analogy.

Understanding Barriers

 Imagine you and your friends are about to enter a theme park. To have the best experience, you all agree to meet up at a specific point before entering the park together. This rendezvous ensures that everyone is present and ready to enjoy the park as a group. In concurrent programming, this idea of synchronizing threads before they continue is where barriers come into play.

Barriers in Action:

A barrier, similar to your theme park meeting point, ensures that multiple threads rendezvous at a specified point in your code. It's like a synchronization checkpoint that prevents any thread from proceeding until all threads have arrived at that point.

Code Example For Barriers

Let's illustrate this concept with a C++20 code example:

#include <iostream>

#include <thread>

#include <barrier>

const int numFriends = 4; // Number of friends

std::barrier parkEntranceBarrier(numFriends);

void friendTask(int friendID) {

    std::cout << "Friend " << friendID << " is on the way to the theme park.\n";

    // Simulate the journey to the theme park


    // Arrive at the park entrance

    std::cout << "Friend " << friendID << " has arrived at the park entrance.\n";

    // Synchronize with the others before entering


    std::cout << "Friend " << friendID << " and the group enter the theme park together.\n";


int main() {

    // Start the friend threads

    for (int i = 1; i <= numFriends; ++i) {

        std::thread(friendTask, i).detach();



    std::cout << "All friends have arrived at the park entrance.\n";

    return 0;


In this example, friends (threads) simulate their journey to a theme park. The parkEntranceBarrier ensures that they meet at the park entrance before entering together as a group. The main function waits for all friends to arrive and synchronize at the barrier, similar to your friends meeting up before entering the theme park as a group.

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In this journey through the world of latches and barriers in C++20, we've explored powerful tools that can transform your approach to concurrent programming. Just like in the real world, where synchronization and coordination are vital for a successful surprise party, in the realm of programming, these tools are essential for ensuring threads or tasks work together seamlessly.


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