Understanding the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) in C++: Interesting Comparison with Virtual Functions


In the world of C++ programming, there are certain patterns that stands out because of their performance efficiency and their peculiar solution. A common technique (or pattern) is the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP). If you want to become an expert on the most advanced techniques as a C++ developer, CRTP is something you need to know. This post digs into what CRTP is, why you need it and what it allows you to do vs more typical virtual function implementations. When you're finished, you'll understand how CRTP functions and why you might want to use it in your projects.

Table Of Contents

1. Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)

2. Why is CRTP Needed?

3. How CRTP Works From the Inside

4. Here we have a detailed comparison of how CRTP does versus virtual member functions.

5. Benefits of Using CRTP

7. Pitfalls and Considerations When Using CRTP

8. Conclusion

9. FAQs


 1. What is The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)

Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP): A template programming idiom in C++ where a class derives from a template base class, using the derived class itself as argument for a template parameter. Put more informally, CRTP is a C++ technique that uses templates to permit a derived class pass itself as template argument of the base class.

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template <typename T>

class Base {


    void interface() {





class Derived : public Base<Derived> {


    void implementation() {

        std::cout << "Derived implementation" << std::endl;




int main() {

    Derived d;

    d.interface(); // Outputs: "Derived implementation"

    return 0;



In this example, `Derived` class inherits from `Base<Derived>`. The `Base` class provides an interface method that delegates the call to a method (`implementation()`) defined in `Derived`.


2. Why is CRTP Needed?

CRTP helps with several limitations in C++ programming, especially on performance, code reusability and extendibility.


Polymorphism is a term most commonly associated with object-oriented programming and often implemented using virtual functions. Although virtual functions are a powerful technique, each one of them costs you some performance overhead by means of vtable lookups. The CRTP is a way to achieve polymorphism, without the overhead of virtual functions.

Code Reuse:

Creation of reusable code patterns using CRTP Rather than writing this same logic in every derived class, you can code it once in the base class and allow derived classes to tailor the behavior.


 Compile-time Polymorphism:

As CRTP is compile-time polymorphism it reduces the overhead associated with run-time polymorphism.


 3. Understanding the Mechanics of CRTP


To truly grasp CRTP, it's essential to understand how it works under the hood.


 Static Polymorphism:

CRTP is resolved at compile-time which is why it is called as a form of static polymorphism. Unlike traditional polymorphism achieved through virtual functions (which is dynamic), CRTP enables polymorphism that is resolved at compile time. This is made possible since the exact type of the derived class is known at the time of template resolution.


 Method Overriding with CRTP:

In CRTP, there is no use of virtual methods  to delegate the task to the derived class. The base class uses `static_cast` to invoke methods from the derived class.

 4. CRTP vs. Virtual Functions: A Detailed Comparison


Understanding the differences between CRTP and virtual functions is key to knowing when to use each approach.



Virtual functions introduce a performance hit due to the vtable mechanism. Each time a virtual function is called, the program must perform a vtable lookup to determine which function to execute. CRTP avoids this by using static polymorphism, which means the function call is resolved at compile time.


 Memory Overhead:

With virtual functions, each class that uses them must maintain a vtable, which increases memory usage. CRTP, on the other hand, does not require a vtable, reducing memory overhead.



Virtual functions offer greater flexibility because they allow polymorphism across different types at runtime. CRTP is more restrictive because it requires all types to be known at compile time.


 Code Complexity:

CRTP can lead to more complex and harder-to-read code, especially for developers who are not familiar with templates. Virtual functions are more straightforward and easier to understand for most programmers.


 Compile-time vs. Runtime:

CRTP operates entirely at compile-time, which means that any errors related to type mismatches are caught early. Virtual functions operate at runtime, so type-related issues may only be discovered during execution.


 5. Benefits of Using CRTP


CRTP offers several benefits that make it an attractive pattern for C++ developers:


 1. Compile-time Polymorphism:

CRTP enables polymorphism at compile time, reducing runtime overhead and increasing performance.


 2. Code Reusability:

CRTP promotes code reuse by allowing base classes to implement common functionality that can be customized by derived classes.


 3. Reduced Memory Usage:

Since CRTP does not require vtables, it results in lower memory usage compared to virtual function implementations.


 4. Early Error Detection:

Errors in CRTP are caught at compile time, leading to more robust code.


 5. Improved Performance:

CRTP can significantly improve performance by eliminating the need for vtable lookups and enabling inlining of functions.


 6. Common Use Cases of CRTP


CRTP is widely used in various scenarios, particularly in performance-critical applications. Here are some common use cases:


 1. Implementing Static Polymorphism:

CRTP is often used in libraries that require polymorphism without the overhead of virtual functions, such as the Eigen library for linear algebra.


 2. Expression Templates:

In mathematical libraries, CRTP is used to implement expression templates, allowing for efficient and readable code.


 3. Static Interface Inheritance:

CRTP can be used to define interfaces that are enforced at compile time, ensuring that derived classes implement specific methods.


 4. Type Erasure:

CRTP can be employed in scenarios where type erasure is needed, providing a way to abstract away implementation details while maintaining type safety.


 7. Pitfalls and Considerations When Using CRTP


While CRTP offers many benefits, there are also some pitfalls and considerations to keep in mind:


 1. Increased Complexity:

CRTP can make code more difficult to understand, especially for developers unfamiliar with advanced template programming.


 2. Limited Flexibility:

Since CRTP requires the exact types to be known at compile time, it is less flexible than virtual functions, which allow for runtime polymorphism.


 3. Potential for Code Bloat:

If used excessively, CRTP can lead to code bloat, as the compiler generates separate code for each instantiation of the template.


 4. Debugging Challenges:

Debugging CRTP-based code can be challenging due to the complexity of template instantiation and the lack of clear error messages from the compiler.


 8. Conclusion


The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) is a powerful yet rarely used technique in C++ that offers numerous benefits, particularly in terms of performance and compile-time polymorphism. This pattern is normally seen in the old application codebase. However, it's not without its challenges. Developers should consider the benefits against the potential pitfalls, such as increased code complexity and reduced flexibility. Understanding CRTP and knowing when to use it can greatly enhance your C++ programming skills, particularly in performance-critical applications.


 9. FAQs


 Q1. Is CRTP faster than virtual functions?

A1. Yes, CRTP is generally faster than virtual functions because it avoids the overhead associated with vtable lookups and enables inlining of functions.


 Q2. When should I use CRTP instead of virtual functions?

A2. Use CRTP when you need compile-time polymorphism, reduced memory usage, and improved performance. Virtual functions are better suited for situations where runtime polymorphism and flexibility are required.


 Q3. Can CRTP be used with multiple inheritance?

A3. Yes, CRTP can be combined with multiple inheritance, but it can increase code complexity and should be used carefully.


 Q4. Are there any alternatives to CRTP for achieving compile-time polymorphism?

A4. Alternatives include template metaprogramming techniques and the use of concepts (in C++20) to achieve similar goals.


 Q5. Is CRTP widely used in real-world applications?

A5. Yes, CRTP is used in many performance-critical libraries, such as Eigen, Boost, and various game engines, where efficiency is paramount.

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