Making Sense of std::variant in C++: An Introductory Perspective on Holding Different Types of Values

The problem of variance in C++ variables that may take on multiple values of different data types is resolved using various mechanisms, such as std::variant , a new C++ feature in C++17. For this feature, a variable can possess a value of several types, but not more than one type at a time. In this article, welcome to the world of std::variant, and learn how it is used alongside some other useful elements like std::monostate which extend its capabilities. So let’s begin.

What is std::variant?

In C++, std::variant replaces the traditional union’ with a typesafe union holder which holds one of a predefined set of types. std::variantoffers the extra advantage of keeping the type that is currently held, unlikeunion’ which doesn’t keep track of its active type very handy in instances where a type will be constantly changing.

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Declaring a Variant in C++

To declare a `std::variant`, specify the possible data types it should store:

std::variant<int, double, std::string> myVariant;

In this example, `myVariant` can hold an `int`, `double`, or `string`—but only one type at any given moment.


Try creating a `std::variant` that stores either an `int` or a `std::string`. Experiment by assigning different values to it (like `42` or `"Hello"`) and observe how it can only hold one type at a time.

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Accessing Variant Values

Once a value is assigned, use `std::get<type>()` or `std::get<index>()` to retrieve the stored value. Accessing the wrong type triggers an error, so exception handling is crucial:

myVariant = 3.14;

std::cout << std::get<double>(myVariant); // Outputs 3.14

If you attempt to access a different type, such as `std::get<int>(myVariant)`, an error will be thrown.


Experiment by intentionally accessing the wrong type using `std::get` and observe the error. Wrap this in a `trycatch` block to safely handle the error and understand how `std::variant` prevents common pitfalls in mixedtype data handling.

Using `std::visit` to Access Values Safely

`std::visit` is a function that lets you access `std::variant` values safely. It’s especially useful when you need to apply an action depending on the stored type. `std::visit` calls the correct function based on the type currently held.

std::variant<int, std::string> myData = 10;

std::visit([](auto&& arg) { std::cout << arg; }, myData);

In this code, `std::visit` automatically selects the correct lambda function based on the current type of `myData`.


Write a visitor function that prints different messages depending on whether the variant holds an `int` or `string`, then test by assigning each type.

Adding an Empty State with `std::monostate`

Sometimes, you might want an “empty” state within a variant, and that’s where `std::monostate` comes in. This type represents the absence of a valid state and serves as a placeholder.

std::variant<std::monostate, int, std::string> myVariant;

myVariant = std::monostate{}; // Sets it to an empty state

`std::monostate` is especially helpful when defining a default or uninitialized state, similar to how `nullptr` represents no object.


Define a `std::variant` that includes `std::monostate` and practice setting it to this “empty” state. Discuss why having a placeholder type is useful, especially in configurations or states where no data is initially set.

Error Handling with Variants

Error handling is essential when using `std::variant` since trying to access a nonexistent type will throw an error. Use `trycatch` blocks to handle `std::bad_variant_access` exceptions gracefully.

try {

    std::cout << std::get<int>(myVariant);

} catch (const std::bad_variant_access&) {

    std::cout << "Error: Incorrect type accessed!";



Intentionally access an incorrect type and handle the error with `try-catch`. Discuss how this improves code safety compared to traditional methods of handling mixed types.

Comparing std::variant with union.

There is a drawback of union, however, where corresponding types have to be managed manually, in contrast, std::variant manages which type is active automatically. Since this tracking is built-in, it minimizes the errors associated with unions, such as memory-related errors, thus making std::variant a preferred form of mixed-type storage.

Practical Uses of Variants

std::variant is particularly useful in dealing with widget configuration files or APIs of this kind, whose data types are not fixed. With the help of variants, this won’t cause any problems with the safety of the application – all mixed data types can be easily managed.


std::variant provides a lot of power and safety when it comes to storing the variable that can be one of several types, allowing the programmer to combine type safety and flexibility. Additionally, std::monostate as a non-significant state, together with std::variant, brings efficiency and avoids mistakes when interfacing different types under C++. Think of how it can reduce your efforts when dealing with complicated data by using it in your projects.



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